Software solution for health-friendliness assessment
The developed assessment software addresses the complexities of healthcare designs, which occur due to the large number of architectural variables and health and care outcomes. The assessment software enables consideration of architectural variables of all types, including formal variables, functional variables, and many others. It then analyzes how different architectural variables affect various types of health and care outcomes, including physical outcomes, mental outcomes, and so on. The steps to use the assessment software are outlined below.
01) Scan of architectural variables
All architectural variables that can have effects on health and care outcomes are recognized. When the assessment is supposed to be done in a built environment, the existing architectural variables will be scanned. Also, if drawings are being prepared to build a new environment, the architectural variables considered in the architectural drawings could be included.
02) Data entry in the assessment software
The specifications of architectural variables recognized in the scanning step should be entered into the software. The software provides an organized and classified structure for data entry of architectural variables based on different main categories and subcategories.
03) Quantities and qualities analysis by the assessment software
The software calculation engine will use the entered data to calculate how the architectural variables affect health and care outcomes. This analysis includes both quantitative and qualitative assessments. Quantitative assessments determine how many architectural variables have positive or negative effects on health and care outcomes. Qualitative assessment also shows the statements and reasons for the way that architectural variables affect health and care outcomes.
04) Gap analysis of the designs
The assessment done by the software clarifies the gaps existing in the current design due to the inappropriate effects of architectural variables. There are criteria, such as a percentage, that show how many architectural variables need revision.
05) Road map of optimization of the design
The recognized issues in the existing design and gaps could be the groundwork for developing a roadmap to reach an optimum design. In this case, for each issue arising from some architectural variables, a specific solution can be defined. Finally, by having all the solutions together, it is possible to have an integrated roadmap.